Website: www.profesorbaker.com
Amazon: http://amzn.to/x6Dqkc
Createspace: https://www.createspace.com/3785138
This book trailer, music slideshow is unique: it breaks all the rules, recreating the genre of book trailers.
Celestial Games: The First Pot of Gold is a personal story. It's true fiction, contradicting itself every step of the way. A father and son weave their stories of family, of fortune and misfortune, of loss, of destruction, of death and rebirth of a planet and of mankind, recreating the creation myth in a mystical prologue to the coming novel, Celestial Games: The Philosophers Stone.
** The Storyteller tells the tale of Aquarians and Leprechauns, of the first pot of gold, of football and of goals, of birth and of rebirth.
Once upon a time, on a cloud far, far away, overlooking the Earth (I think it was Cloud Number Nine if memory serves me well) there lived incredible beings.
They were celestial beings, who, in accordance with their name and purpose, which we shall discuss in detail later, overlooked the joy and happiness of the inhabitants of the Earth.
As long as these celestial beings were there, happiness and joy reigned upon the Earth...
Thomas Baker is a storyteller by night and a teacher of English by day. He has lived in Chile since 2001 and is determined to stay in this strange land at the very end of the Earth that has stolen his heart.
He has married himself, quite happily, to the land and to the people, and in particular, to his lovely Gabriela, to whom he dedicates all his stories...
**Contact the author at:
Slideshare: http://www.slideshare.net/profesorbaker
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/profile/edit?trk=hb_tab_pro_top
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1171149898
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/profesortbaker
Blogspot: http://profesorbaker.blogspot.com/
Wordpress: http://profesorbaker.com/
Song: Die Zeit Hält Nicht An / Time Never Stops
aus dem MP4Life Vol3 Mixtape2010
Artists: )Phenom, Erika, J-Zwok & Chriz
Die Zeit hält niemals an (MPR)Phenom,Erika,J-Zwok&Chriz