How to Read My Kindle Book, "MEET ME IN MEMPHIS", Without Buying a Kindle
Many people from all over the world have told me that they want to read my short story, "Meet Me In Memphis" (available on Amazon), but they don’t have a Kindle.
A Kindle is a wonderful thing, but there are a few ways to get around owning one and still read Kindle books like Meet Me In Memphis.
The easiest way is to buy the story. When Amazon tells you the purchase was successful (I believe it is a “Thank you for your purchase” screen), it will offer you the opportunity to read the story right then and there in the Amazon Cloud Viewer.
You’ll see a button inviting you to launch the viewer, and you just click it, and you’re off!

However, if you want to read lots of Kindle books or short stories in the future, you might want to download one of several apps Amazon offers for devices other than the Kindle that allow you to sort of simulate the Kindle environment.
I use Kindle for PC extensively to read on my laptop and PC.
What about iPhone?
I know that many people particularly love Kindle for iPhone, because it means you can read whatever book you want anywhere, on your iPhone. I turn it sideways, and it’s not so bad.
There are also Kindle apps for other smartphones. What about Mac? Kindle for Mac offers the same functionality that Kindle for PC does. However, be careful. It requires OS X 10.6, which many Mac owners don’t yet have.
Android? iPad?
Kindle for iPad is for you. If you have an Android tablet, you can find the right app here. I might add that whatever app you choose will probably expand your reading opportunities, because Meet Me in Memphis will be just one of millions of books you’ll have access to.
Does this read like a commercial for the Kindle?
Or is this a commercial for "Meet Me In Memphis?
Trust me, it is neither a commercial for Kindle, nor a commercial for MEET ME IN MEMPHIS.
Kindle is free, and I am making MEET ME IN MEMPHIS free.
I really enjoyed writing the short story. I wrote it for my students at a school where boys where not enjoying reading. They read the book. They liked it. They shared it with their friends.
Everyone who has read it has had many wonderful comments about it.
I want you to read it too.
I am sure you will enjoy it.
Also, I really enjoy using the Kindle. The free Kindle is what I have. It cost me nothing, and you can get it for nothing too. Free, no cost, to read wonderful stories and great books with. Now that you have a free Kindle, I hope you will use it to read "Meet Me in Memphis".
It only costs $0.99. That's right. Ninety-nine cents ( $0.99 ).
That's less than one dollar for a story that you are sure to enjoy.
I am so sure you will enjoy the story that the book will be FREE to download tonight at midnight, and will be available for FREE for Five Days! That's right. For five (5) straight days, you can use your free Kindle Reader to get my short story at a cost of $0.00 - absolutely, completely, totally for nothing, no cost, free!
So tell all your friends about the FREE Kindle Reader. At midnight tonight, Meet Me In Memphis will be yours, for FREE!
I hope you enjoy your reading experience, and please share.
Share the news about the FREE Kindle Reader and the Free Book, Meet Me In Memphis with all your friends on FACEBOOK, TWITTER, LINKEDIN, TUMBLR, BlogSpot, SCOOPIT, PINTEREST, BLOGGER, WORDPRESS!
Spread the word - SHARE! Enjoy your reading experience! ** http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KK5YGWS5H84&w=480&h=360
[youtube ]

Book Description
Publication Date: February 18, 2012 This is a tale of serendipitous romance and fortuitous misfortune. It’s got a familiar feel, mixing in the culture of two nations, and two world-renowned cities, Memphis and Santiago.
A romance needs beauty, and this book has the mythological beauty of a goddess present within its pages. And to make it complete, there’s a courageous teacher of English, with a dilemma, with a choice to chance, a difficult decision to make. That is, if the choice can be made.
I would be remiss in my duties if I did not leave you with a final word of caution: the reading of this book will cause you to feel the need to travel, to go “Walking in Memphis”, to enjoy the culture and customs you will find within its pages.
So, meet me in Memphis, or alternatively, I’ll see you in Santiago; that will also be just fine…
Mother Tongue

The Mother Tongue in the Chilean EFL Classroom: How We Learn English [Kindle Edition]
Book Description
Publication Date: September 21, 2012
The Mother Tongue Taboo (speak only English in the classroom) addresses all the "Taboo Topics": Monolingual Fallacy, Native Speaker Fallacy, Early Start Fallacy, and More is Better Fallacy.
This book transparently shows 2 countries, one successful, one with marginal results at best, where Linguistic Imperialism, ie. the Four Fallacy Thinking...is not a Fallacy, but Reality, or Evidence-Based Results.
In other words, it's not ideology, not philosophy, but responds to the real world rather than an imagined world. When you read this book, do so with an open mind.
Above all, prepare to have your thinking challenged. If you teach English, or if you have children, if you don't trust ideology and instead prefer factual evidence, this book is a must have, it is for you, it is for those like you...
"The Mother Tongue in the Chilean EFL Classroom" is told from my point of view. Yet, in a larger sense, it's an ELT story that makes the effort to share, a moment in time, with some very special people, in a very special country - Chile, a place time forgot, a place where we do things the Chilean Way.
Don't bother looking for it on the map. Be content to know it is located at the end of the world, literally.


"The Last Shot” is told from my point of view. Yet, in a larger sense, it’s a story that makes the effort to keep something alive, a memory of a moment in time I shared with some very special people from a small town called Luxora, Arkansas, my hometown, population 1,317.
Don’t bother looking for it on the map. You won't find it unless you know exactly where to look. Be content to know it is located about 4 miles east of Osceola, Arkansas on Highway 61... or 12 miles west of Blytheville, Arkansas, same highway. One of the most defining characteristics of a small town in Arkansas is the quality and traditions of its local high school sports teams.
In 1980, I had the great fortune to be a member of two of Luxora’s greatest sports teams ever: the State Championship track and field team of 1980 and the State Runner-Up basketball team of 1980. I graduated on May 17, 1980 and since I left, I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve been back to Luxora.
This book, about the Luxora Panthers basketball team of 1980, is a memoir of sorts, pieced together from my memories and from news clippings about our team.
It’s a way for me to go back, in my mind’s eye, like a bird high in the sky, and look once again upon my Luxora, as I remember it to be. I thank you kindly, if you decide to join me on this journey back to Luxora, Arkansas, home of the mighty Luxora Panthers...

Product Details Paperback: 116 pages Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (September 17, 2012) Language: English ISBN-10: 1479329762 ISBN-13: 978-1479329762 The Last Shot: A Season Like No Other: 1980 Luxora Panthers [Paperback]
** Memoir: The Last Shot

The Last Shot: A Season Like No Other [Kindle Edition] Book Description Publication Date: September 15, 2012
"The Last Shot” is told from my point of view. Yet, in a larger sense, it’s a story that makes the effort to keep something alive, a memory of a moment in time I shared with some very special people from a small town called Luxora, Arkansas, my hometown, population 1,317. Don’t bother looking for it on the map. Be content to know it is located about 4 miles east of Osceola, Arkansas on Highway 61... or 12 miles west of Blytheville, Arkansas, same highway.
One of the most defining characteristics of a small town in Arkansas is the quality and traditions of its local high school sports teams. In 1980, I had the great fortune to be a member of two of Luxora’s greatest sports teams ever: the State Championship track and field team of 1980 and the State Runner-Up basketball team of 1980.
I graduated on May 17, 1980 and since I left, I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve been back to Luxora. This book, about the Luxora Panthers basketball team of 1980, is a memoir of sorts, pieced together from my memories and from news clippings about our team.
It’s a way for me to go back, in my mind’s eye, like a bird high in the sky, and look once again upon my Luxora, as I remember it to be. I thank you kindly, if you decide to join me on this journey back to Luxora, Arkansas, home of the mighty Luxora Panthers... http://www.amazon.com/dp/B009BSD5EU

For this reason, I wish to share and thus dedicate this book to all the people of Luxora, Arkansas, my hometown. Kindle Reader Edition: $0.99 Download Free Kindle for PC ** How to Coach A Debate Team How to Coach A Debate Team [Kindle Edition]

1. Debating ability is a valuable skill.
2. Debate utilizes useful English.
3. It is a unique way to teach grammar.
4. It develops critical thinking skills.
5. It introduces global issues.
6. It develops research skills.
A more powerful reason to coach a debate team is given to us by Dr. Martin Luther King:
"“Sooner or later all the people of the world will have to discover a way to live together in peace... If this is to be achieved, man must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression, and retaliation...” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. – 1964 Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech **
The International Baccalaureate [Kindle Edition]
The International Baccalaureate [Paperback]

The global search for high-quality education, embedded in high-performing education systems, has taken on mythical proportions, almost resembling the alchemists’ quest to turn common metals into gold. It is my hope that the present day search for global education, equitable and providing equality of opportunity for all, shall not cease until the “gold” we seek, has been found.
I therefore dedicate this book to all the educators, researchers, parents and students the world over, who strive to achieve this elusive goal,high-quality education for all the citizens of the world.
In this endeavour, it is my belief that the International Baccalaureate merits a closer look, based on their more than 40 year history of delivering consistently excellent results.
I add that all of the reflections and views in this book are mine alone, unless otherwise noted, and can not be attributed to my employer or any other organization I am affiliated with, past or present. For any errors or oversights, I bear the complete

** Amazon Author Page: Thomas Jerome Baker
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QaqL1XrQh7E&w=480&h=360]
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-iJHJ7d_oM&w=480&h=360]

He is the Co-Founder and Co-Organiser of EdCamp Santiago, free, participant-driven, democratic, conversation based professional development for teachers, by teachers.
EdCamp Santiago 2012 was held at Universidad Mayor in Santiago.
Thomas is also an ex-member (2011-2012) of the Advisory Board for the International Higher Education Teaching and Learning Association (HETL), where he also serves as a reviewer and as the HETL Ambassador for Chile.
Thomas was recently selected for membership in the Comunidad de Innovación Escolar, from among hundreds of educators.
The CIE promotes innovation, creativity and entrepreneurial-mindedness at the grass roots level, in the education community of its members, as well as in the wider education community.
Thomas enjoys writing about a wide variety of topics, both fiction and non-fiction. Thus far, he has written the following genres: romance, historical fiction, autobiographical, sports history/biography, and English Language Teaching.
He has published a total of forty six (46) books overall. The source and inspiration for his writing comes from his family, his wife Gabriela, and his son, Thomas Jerome Baker, Jr.
Catalog of books and a personal message for the reader
View more documents from Thomas Baker

“The Mother Tongue in the Chilean EFL Classroom” is told from my point of view.
Yet, in a larger sense, it’s an ELT story that makes the effort to share, a moment in time, with some very special people, in a very special country - Chile, a place time forgot, a place where we do things the Chilean Way.
Don’t bother looking for it on the map.
Be content to know it is located at the end of the world, literally.
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