★★★★★Thomas Jerome Baker, Your #Kindle #MatchBook #Discount is Live on Amazon.com!
Hello Thomas!
Thank you for enrolling in Kindle MatchBook. As of today, the program is live on Amazon.com so readers will now see the promotional list price for your book.
You will earn royalties on incremental sales of your Kindle book when a customer who has purchased your print book takes advantage of the Kindle MatchBook discount to purchase your Kindle book. Plus, you’ll be offering readers an easy and affordable way to read your book in both print and digital formats.
If you would like to modify your Kindle MatchBook discount, visit the KDP Bookshelf to select your title and go to the “Rights & Pricing” page.
Best regards,
The Kindle Direct Publishing Team
The Kindle Direct Publishing Team
Kindle MatchBook FAQ
1. What is Kindle MatchBook?
The Kindle MatchBook program offers customers who purchase, or have previously purchased, a print book from Amazon.com the option to purchase the Kindle version of that title for $2.99 or less. If you have a print version of your title and enroll the Kindle version in Kindle MatchBook you can earn a royalty from Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) based on the Promotional List Price (choose from $2.99, $1.99, $0.99, or free) for any Kindle MatchBook sale.
2. What kinds of books are eligible to enroll in Kindle MatchBook?
Any KDP title that has a print version and that is sold by Amazon.com is eligible for the Kindle MatchBook program. If you need to create a print version of your book, visit CreateSpace to learn more.
3. Why should I enroll in Kindle MatchBook?
By enrolling your existing and new titles in Kindle MatchBook you can:
• Sell more books and earn royalties on incremental Kindle sales.
• Enjoy the flexibility of setting a Promotional List Price for your book – choose from $2.99, $1.99, $0.99, or free.
• Delight fans of your book by offering an affordable, multi-format reading experience, whether on a Kindle device, free Kindle reading app, or in print.
• Enjoy the flexibility of setting a Promotional List Price for your book – choose from $2.99, $1.99, $0.99, or free.
• Delight fans of your book by offering an affordable, multi-format reading experience, whether on a Kindle device, free Kindle reading app, or in print.
4. How do I enroll my titles in Kindle MatchBook?
To enroll, select an existing or new title. Then set your Promotional List Price on the Rights & Pricing page so you can begin to earn royalties on incremental Kindle sales. Choose a Promotional List Price of $2.99, $1.99, $0.99, or free; as long as the price selected is at least 50% lower than the regular Digital List Price.
5. Why does my Promotional List Price need to be less than 50% of my regular Digital List Price?
Promotional List Price options must be at least 50% lower than the regular Digital List Price for the Kindle MatchBook program to be a compelling discount for readers.
When you set the Promotional List Price, only options that result in a discount of 50% or more will be available. For example, if you set the regular Digital List Price of your book to $3.99, your Promotional List Price options for that book will be $1.99, $0.99, or free (because the $2.99 option is not a 50% discount off of $3.99).
6. How is my royalty calculated for titles enrolled in Kindle MatchBook?
Your royalty will be based on the Promotional List Price you set and your selected royalty option.
For example, if you are earning a 35% royalty for sales of your digital book at its regular Digital List Price, you will earn a 35% royalty on Kindle MatchBook sales calculated at the Promotional List Price.
See the Pricing Page for additional details on the 35% and 70% royalty options.
7. Can I enroll in Kindle MatchBook without participating in KDP Select?
Yes. Kindle MatchBook is available to all Kindle Direct Publishing authors/publishers for Kindle titles that have a print version that is sold by Amazon.com. If you need to create a print version of your book, visit CreateSpace to learn more.
8. If I offer my book for free through KDP Select, will that affect my Promotional List Price through Kindle MatchBook?
Yes. The customer will see the lowest promotional price available for your book. For example, if you set your Kindle MatchBook Promotional List Price to $1.99 but then choose Free Book Promotion through KDP Select, customers will see the free promotion. If a customer purchases your book during your Free Book Promotion, you will not earn a royalty on that sale. When the KDP Select free promotion ends, the Kindle MatchBook price will return for customers who purchase or have previously purchased the print version.
9. Who determines the list price of my book?
As the author/publisher, you set the list price for your book. For full details see the Pricing Page and Terms and Conditions.
10. Will there be a separate payment for titles sold through Kindle MatchBook?
No. For your convenience, the payment schedule and payment method will be the same as your other sales from KDP.
11. Once a title is enrolled can I change the metadata (e.g. Royalty option, list price, book description, etc.)?
You can change all of the metadata of a Kindle MatchBook enrolled title. To modify the Promotional List Price offered, select the title you want to edit and go to the Rights & Pricing page.
12. Can I un-publish titles enrolled in Kindle MatchBook?
Yes. You can un-publish and re-publish your Kindle MatchBook title at any time.
13. How do I cancel my book’s enrollment in Kindle MatchBook?
Select the title you want to opt out of the program and un-check the box labeled “This title is enrolled in Kindle MatchBook. Uncheck to opt out of the program.”

14. How do I get a print version of my book so I can enroll in Kindle MatchBook?

14. How do I get a print version of my book so I can enroll in Kindle MatchBook?
If you need to create a print version of your book, visit CreateSpace to learn more.
15. How do I get a Kindle version of my book so I can enroll in Kindle MatchBook?
If you need to create a Kindle version of your book, visit a Kindle Direct Publishing to learn more.
Source: Kindle Direct Publishing
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